Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Poodle Post: January 2010

(image found here)

Happy New Year and
Welcome to January Edition of
The Poodle Post

Sigma Style: How to Keep Your New Years Resolutions

How many of you have made at least one New Year’s resolution?

As the year comes to an end, we talk about making life changes – the new year begins and people ‘resolve’ to be new. How have you resolved to be new in this New Year, this new decade?

I remind people every single day presents an opportunity for you to make resolutions. Every morning you are presented with the chance to improve your life somehow. You don’t have to wait for a new year to start being new.

So you’ve made resolutions in the past; why haven’t you been able to keep them? Here are some common resolution pitfalls and possible solutions.

1. Your resolution is too vague. ‘I’m going to eat healthier’, or ‘I’m going to lose weight’, or ‘I’m going to be a better spouse’. These vague goals prevent you from knowing when you are successful. They keep you working, and make you vulnerable to failure. You’re never sure when you’re done.
Make your resolution as specific as possible – instead of ‘I’m going to eat healthier’, you could say something like, ‘I’m going to eat vegetables at every meal I cook’. There’s no doubt that you’ll know when you reach that goal. ‘I’m going to lose 5 pounds a month’ is another example of a specific goal; again, you know exactly when you reach that goal.

2. Your resolution is dependent on things you can’t control. ‘I’m going to get along better with my parents’ or ‘I’m going to make my children study harder’.
When you involve other people in your resolutions, there’s no guarantee that you’ll reach that goal. You can’t make other people do anything. Keep your resolutions to things you can do something about.

3. Your resolution is too big. ‘I’m going to lose 100 pounds a month’. I know that one’s obvious, but take a look at your resolution. Is it something you can do, with work or is it beyond your capabilities? There is no way I could be a rocket scientist. That’s not where my talents lie, so I’m not going to make such a resolution.

Be sure you can actually achieve your goal. If you set yourself up to fail by setting your goal out of reach, you may disappoint yourself so much that you do the opposite of your resolution. In this case you may gain 100 pounds instead of losing the weight.

Another point – set objectives that move you toward your ultimate goal. For instance, if you want to lose 100 pounds by the end of the year, you can set a goal to lose 9 pounds each month. Objectives keep you aware of your progress, giving you the opportunity to make adjustments as needed and reach your goal.

Make your resolution positive. ‘I am going to tell people that I’m angry’, rather than ‘I’m not going to yell anymore’. We gravitate toward the positives and avoid the negatives in our lives.

Remember – no one is perfect. That includes you. If you stumble, everybody stumbles. If you repeatedly stumble, take a look at your resolution, altering it so you’ll be able to meet your goal.

If you have any questions or comments, make them here, or you can follow me on Twitter (I’m CintiTxGuy), you can send me a message on Facebook, or you can email me at

(article found here)

Sigma Sizzles: Allison's Slow Cooker Beef Stew


  • 1 1/2 pounds cubed beef stew meat

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 small onion, chopped

  • 1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes

  • 1 (16 ounce) package frozen mixed vegetables

  • 2 potatoes, peeled and cubed

  • 10 cubes beef bouillon, crumbled

  • 2 teaspoons ground black pepper

  • 1 tablespoon salt

  • 1 tablespoon dried basil


  1. Place beef in a slow cooker. Pour in water. Stir in onion, tomatoes, mixed vegetables and potatoes. Season with bouillon, pepper, salt and basil. Cook on low 8 hours.

Central Region News: Candidates Running for Central Region Office

Check out the Central Region website to see some of the candidates who are running for Regional office. Click here to get there.

The Poodle of the Month: Soror Tori Darden

(Tori is in the middle of the Sorors in the picture)

Family: AL (husband), Jordan (daughter), and AJ Bryson (son)
Education: MBA Ohio Dominican University
Employment: Hyatt Regency Columbus
When and where were you inducted? How many ladies were inducted with you? April 4, 2001, Ohio State University, 6 ladies were inducted with me.
Why did you choose Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.? I chose Sigma because not only did I like what they were saying, but more importantly I liked what I saw them doing. Two of the national programs were very personal to me.
What positions have you held? NPHC Rep
What programs or initiatives are important to you within the sorority? Project Big Book bag, Project Reassurance, Membership Satisfaction.
What do you want people to know about you? That I am a hard worker, and I am committed to helping Sigma grow.

Sigma Safety Corner: Winter Car Safety

Winter is definitely upon us. Not only do you need to think about your physical health, you need to look at car safety as well. Here are a few tips that may help you preparing you car for winter:

  • Make sure that you have extra hat, blankets and gloves in the car.

  • Keep a first aid kit in the car.

  • Have some non-perishable food items in the car, such as hard-candy, granola bars etc.

  • Matches or a lighter.

  • Candles and flares.

  • Shovel

  • A tool kit

  • Jumper cables

  • Depending on what part of Ohio that you live in you might want tire chains.

Other car safety tips are to make sure that all car maintenance is done, such as oil change, tune ups and new tires. When you have to be on the road during the winter, following some of these tips will make you wintry travels alot safer.

(some tips from here) (image found here)

Are you interested in Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc? Do you have an interest in serving your community? Would you like to obtain more information? Please click here and some one will be in contact with you soon. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


  • Happy Birthday to all Sorors who celebrate a birthday this month.

  • Happy Sigmanniversary to all Sorors who celebrate this month.
  • Congratulations to Soror Ciara (Brown) Okon on her recent marriage.

Coming Soon........

EAG 2010

Coming to you in April 2010

If you have any questions or comments about The Poodle Post, contact us here.