Sunday, January 4, 2009

Poodle Post: January 2009

Welcome to the first edition of the new year of the Delta Omicron Sigma Newsletter.

Happy New Year!!

Sigma Style: How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

This time of year many of us make a resolution to change or improve something. Here are some tips that may help you keep your resolutions this year.

  • Aim low. It goes without saying that most New Year’s resolutions are easier announced (or written) than done—but if you set the bar too high, you’re doomed from the start. Instead of a sweeping declaration like “I will lose 30 pounds by April and finally fit into that dress,” target a goal that’s more attainable, like losing 10 or 15 pounds.
  • Don’t overload yourself. It’s difficult enough for the average person to follow through on one ambitious New Year’s resolution; why on earth would you saddle yourself with three or four? Choose the most pressing issue at hand—losing weight, finding a girlfriend, improving your relationship with your parents—and concentrate on that. Trying to do everything simultaneously practically guarantees failure across the board.

  • Tell everyone you know. One school of thought says that New Year’s resolutions are best kept to oneself, but look at it this way: the more people to whom you announce your resolution (say, to get out of your dead-end job by spring), the more people there’ll be to prod you along if you fall behind. There’s no shame in seeking help if you can’t accomplish your resolution on your own.
  • Reward yourself. Following through on a New Year’s resolution is rarely easy, so a little Pavlovian conditioning goes a long way. If you’ve resolved to shop less, stroke yourself for not buying those shoes by springing for a steaming hot cappuccino at the mall. If you’ve resolved to be nicer to people, buy yourself a nice jacket after enduring that tedious cocktail party without delivering any insults.

  • Wait until spring. Sometimes the best way to accomplish a New Year’s resolution is to make it at a time of year of your choosing, rather than the one dictated by the calendar. May 1 is a good alternate date, since the change of season will neatly coincide with the change you’re hoping to accomplish in yourself.

Information found here

Regional News: Central Region Conference

The Central Region annual conference is upon us. The annual conference will take place March 12-15, 2009 in Lexington, Kentucky. The 69th annual conference will take place at the Griffin Gate Resort and Spa. All sorors interested in attending, registration is due by February 13, 2009. For more information click here.

Chapter News: Three New Sorors

We would like to congratulate and introduce the three new ladies that were inducted into our illustrious sorority. Sorors Alisha Milbry, Lakiesha Palmer-Yawn and Gwendolyn Williams (l to r in the photo) were inducted on December 20, 2009. What a holiday gift for them and the chapter. These ladies will be great assets to the chapter and the sorority. Congratulations.

Sigma Sizzles: Hot Cocoa Mix

1 cup white sugar
1 cup dry milk powder
1 cup powdered non-dairy creamer
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1/4 cup instant coffee granules

In a large bowl, combine sugar, milk powder, creamer, cocoa and instant coffee. Mix together until well blended. Store in a sealed container.
To serve, Heat a cup of water per serving (or milk, for a creamier taste.) Stir in 2 to 3 heaping teaspoons of cocoa mixture.

Recipe found here

Are you interested in serving your community? Do you want a true sisterhood? Interested in Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.? Contact us here.

  • Happy birthday to all sorors that celebrate a birthday in January.
  • Happy anniversary to all sorors who celebrate an anniversary in the month of January.
  • Check the side of the blog for the upcoming events.
  • Congratulations to Soror Alena Tucker on her engagement.
  • Congratulations to Soror Avra Tucker on her graduation from law school. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she prepares to take the bar exam.
  • If you are interested in restarting the Sigma book club, contact us here.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, contact us here.