Thursday, December 4, 2008

Poodle Post: December 2008

Happy Holidays from the Poodle Post!!

International News: 50 Million Pound Challenge Founder Urges the National Council of Presidents to Spread the Message of Health

Washington, D.C. -- During a luncheon at the annual Council of Presidents meeting, Dr. Ian Smith urged the nine leaders of the International, Greek-lettered organizations to work together to change, even save, the lives
of millions through participation in the 50 Million Pound Challenge. Smith launched the free national health initiative in April 2007 to help stem the adverse health effects brought on by the epidemic of excess weight that is taking so many U.S. lives, especially among African Americans. Since then, The Challenge has already improved the lives of its 650,000+ members who have lost almost three million pounds. With a total of more than 1.4 million members, an organized grassroots effort by the National Pan-Hellenic Council would sustain
effort to reach the ultimate 50 million pound goal.

"Too many people in our communities are suffering unnecessarily and in some cases their lives cut short," said Smith Celebrity Fit Club expert and author of NY Times #1 best-seller The Fat Smash Diet. "This is why I need your help. Together, through The 50 Million Pound Challenge, we can join hands and influence millions to step up and fight to reverse the deadly health trends posed by obesity. Working together, our reach and influence are greater and our voice is louder."
"Thanks to sponsor State Farm," Smith continued, "we now offer free interactive tools - including a 30-day diet plan, activity tracker and personal journal - that empower participants with everything they need to make the lifestyle changes that will lead to them feeling better and looking great." Numerous studies show teaming up to lose weight is more effective, and that holds true with The Challenge. Participants have formed and joined more than 15,000 teams on the site. The 83,000 members who have joined one or more of those teams, are losing nearly 22% more weight than the overall average. For those who want to take on the responsibility of organizing their own teams and/or leading a local grassroots effort, Challenge Leader tools are now available online at

“More than 45,000 people register for the Challenge each month. I want to remind participants, that The Challenge is theirs. Sharing individual success is driving the campaign’s success, by motivating others. It’s imperative we inspire more people to join to reach those goals. Too many people are dying from preventable weight-related illnesses. We face an epidemic that affects all Americans, especially the African-American community where lives are cut 5 years shorter than the US average.” Backed by hundreds of civic and celebrity champions, mayors, Congress members, national health and civic groups, The Challenge is one of the most far-reaching initiatives of its kind. Anyone can join at 50 million where they can also get a free Challenge kit with a CD, brochure, menu and fitness advice, and a pedometer to count steps.

A study in the July 2007 New England Journal of Medicine found that close friends and family set a powerful example for each other - they tend to gain, but can also lose weight together. The Challenge aims to reach its goal by making it easier for millions to fight the epidemic of excess weight threatening half of all Americans and encourage the positive influence friends have on each other. More than 135 million Americans and two in three adults are overweight, double the rate a few decades ago. Each week, 10,000 die from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and other illness related to inactivity and diet. African Americans are especially hard hit: 80% of women and 67% of men face higher risk from weight-related diseases, with life expectancy five years below the U.S. average.

For more information, please contact:
Media: Meryl Moss,, 203-226-0199 (o)
General inquiries: Mia Jazo-Harris,, 309-766-5242 (o), 309-533-2011 (cell)

About The 50 Million Pound Challenge
Dr. Ian Smith’s 50 Million Pound Challenge is an historic opportunity and commitment by the African-American community to come together and help people take control of their health by getting fit, losing excess weight and turning back the deadly toll of weight-related diseases that
threaten nearly half of Americans and hits the African-American community especially hard. The Challenge, a campaign supported and endorsed in name and deed by leaders across the community and national civic and health organizations, is sponsored by State Farm.

Information found here

Sigma Style: Money Saving Ways During The Holidays

If you did not wipe everyone off of your holiday list on Black Friday and you still have some shopping to do, here are some tips that will allow your season to still be bright without the hang over of debt.

1. Do it yourself. For an old- fashioned, inexpensive homemade present, consider assembling a mulled-cider kit. When prices drop on 64-ounce jars of apple juice or cider, “grab as many as you can,” says Teri Gault, CEO and founder of the online-grocery site Then wrap three sticks of cinnamon and about a tablespoon of whole cloves or allspice in cheesecloth, and tie the packet to the bottle with a bow. Include instructions (“Add the cheesecloth package to the juice and heat until bubbles begin to form”). “It costs maybe $1.50, and it’s a really sweet gift,” Gault says.

2. Check company perks. Your company may have retail partners that offer special deals to employees, like a percentage discount at various retailers, movie chains, or museums. But check company policy before you go crazy. Some discounts are for employees’ use only and can’t be applied toward gifts.

3. Surf the Web for the best prices. Comparison-shopping sites search for the best deals online. A standout:, whose price-history feature charts the highest, median, and lowest prices of products, so you know when you’re getting a steal. Its Price Alert feature will e-mail you when the price drops to the level you choose. Another resource is Google’s shopping tool, Froogle. Enter the item you’re looking for (be as specific as you can), then sort by price, low to high, in the grid view.

4. Calculate the extras. When you’re figuring your gift costs, don’t forget to include taxes, gift wrapping, and shipping charges in the amount you’ve set aside. Less than 21 percent of consumers include those expenses when planning their holiday shopping, according to Visa USA research. Adding $15, plus state and local tax, to the cost of each item will help you stay within your budget.

5. Redeem your reward points. Most airline frequent-flier programs allow you to convert miles into magazine subscriptions, dining certificates, or electronics. Credit-card rewards programs also offer gift-worthy loot.

Information found here

Poodle of the Month: Soror Andrea Pittman

When and where you were inducted? I was inducted on November 14, 1993 at North Carolina State University- Kappa Omega Chapter.

Hobbies: My hobbies include roller skating, reading about and looking at cars and motorcycles. I also enjoy shopping for and looking at shoes. I own 100+ pairs of shoes.

About your family: I was born in Norfolk, Va.....Dad was in the Navy. We moved back to North Carolina after a few years. I am the only girl out of five kids and the youngest. I have 4 nephews and 1 niece. My family still resides in North Carolina and wishes that I would move back.

Why you joined the sorority? Before going to college, I met a member of SGR. She was really nice and helped me out my first semester in college. After she graduated, there were only 2 on campus and then there was 1. That one did more work/service than organizations with 10+ members. She inspired me and I became a member of SGR. Today, that young lady is not only my soror but she is one of my best friends.

What do you love most about the sorority? The one thing that I love most about the sorority is that it allows you to grow in any area your heart desires. When I first came into the organization, I was shy and really did not talk much. I would always get nervous when I had to speak to the group. I knew that I had a lot to offer but just wasn't sure of myself at times. I eventually grew out of that because I had effective leaders in the graduate chapter. I learned that I did not have to be perfect because every soror has insecurities at some point in time.

Anything else that you want to tell about you!!! I love to cook and hang out with friends.

Sigma Sizzles: Deniesha's Crock Pot Chicken and Dumplings

4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
2 tablespoons butter
2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup
1 onion, finely diced
2 (10 ounce) packages refrigerated biscuit dough, torn into pieces

Place the chicken, butter, soup, and onion in a slow cooker, and fill with enough water to cover.
Cover, and cook for 5 to 6 hours on High. About 30 minutes before serving, place the torn biscuit dough in the slow cooker. Cook until the dough is no longer raw in the center.

10 Min
6 Hrs
6 Hrs 10 Min


  • Happy birthday to all sorors who celebrate in the month of December

  • Happy anniversary to all sorors who celebrate in the month of December.
  • Please check the side of the blog for upcoming events.

  • If you have any questions or comments please contact us here or click comments below.

  • Welcome to all sorors who have reactivated with the chapter. EE-Yip!!!

Are you interested in serving the Columbus area? Are interested in working with others? Interested in Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.? Contact us at

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Poodle Post: November 2008

Do your civic due and vote. It is your right.

Welcome to the another edition to the of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.,

Delta Omicron Sigma Poodle Post.

Poodle of the Month: Soror Brenda Sloan Johnson

Rest in Peace Soror Brenda Sloan Johnson
November 5, 1945 - October 24, 2008
God called home our beloved Syntaktes, Soror Brenda Sloan Johnson, on Friday, October 24, 2008 at 11:55 pm. She may have lost the battle to cancer but she has won the glory and has gone home to walk those streets of gold.
Let us take time to reflect on her administration’s theme of "The Journey Begins and Ends With Us" and how it embodied her spirit. Let us not be saddened by her homegoing but rather let us be inspired by the energy she possessed and the love she had for our great sisterhood and most importantly the love she had for her fellow Sister.

In Sisterhood, Southwest Region Executive Board

National News: Message from International Grand Basileus

TO: All Sorors, Philos, Rhoers and Guests:
RE: TIME IS RUNNING OUT … Are YOU Registered to Vote?

The last day to register to vote in the 2008 presidential election for many states is as early
as Monday, Oct. 6! Never in our nation’s history has the African-American vote been
more crucially needed …

This officer has been encouraged to hear how many of our chapters, members and philos
have been hosting and/or partnering with other organizations in voter registration drives
across the nation. However, there’s an old adage that often times it is the plumber who is
most prone to have leaky faucets. Let’s ensure that the same is not true about Sigma
Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. I’m charging every alumnae and undergraduate chapter
basileus to query your chapters to ensure 100 percent of our own membership and
affiliates ages 18 years and above are both registered and making plans to VOTE!!
Begin now setting up schedules for transporting the elderly among us and beyond us
(and anyone else needing it, including students) to the polls.

Ensure that all undergraduates are aware that they do not have to go home to vote! College
students have two options for voting from their college or university: (1) cast absentee
ballots to vote as residents of their home town as long as the completed absentee form is
received by Oct. 31 (most states) or (2) register as residents in the location of their college
or university by the state’s voter registration deadline. If you live on campus and receive
your mail through a post office box, you may need to sign an affidavit or get a letter from
your college’s Residential Life Officer verifying that you live in your dorm. The link
below provides valuable information students need to be aware of concerning individual
state requirements:
Don’t Vote Blindly … Know Who and For What You’re Voting

The Washington Post hosts an online database that allows you to view every vote in the
United States Congress since the 102nd Congress (1991). You can browse votes in a
variety of ways -- both in aggregate and for individual members of Congress. You can visit
this site (see link below) and many others as part of your own personal due diligence test:
watch the televised debates and candidate interviews; read the newspapers; Google
candidates; and host, support and/or attend candidate forums in your local community.

Last But Certainly Not Least …
As a 501c-7 organization, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. is strictly prohibited by
the IRS from supporting any individual candidate in any manner! That means no
wearing T-shirts, buttons or any other paraphernalia of any kind in support of an individual
candidate while you are wearing sorority paraphernalia or representing Sigma Gamma Rho
Sorority Inc. in any manner. While this officer certainly understands your passion for the
candidate of your personal choice, it must remain just that, a personal choice. Individual
candidate endorsements by Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. will result in our
nonprofit status being revoked. A recent CNN story last week highlighted IRS plans to
investigate and possibly prosecute churches whose pastors have made statements from their
pulpits supporting individual candidates. Click on the link below, locate the “search all
videos” option and type in “Pastors’ Politics Illegal” to view the CNN segment.

This year’s Election Day will be a pivotal point in our history for our nation and the world.
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. has a responsibility to be a major part of determining the
outcome through our individual and collective participation as active voters and by doing
our part to educate the masses on the all the choices before them and getting them to the
polls. Don’t let yourself or our Sisterhood down!

Joann Loveless
22nd International Grand Basileus

Are you interested in community service? Are you interested in working with others? Would you like more information about Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc? Contact us at

Chapter News: Founder's Day Celebration

The chapters annual Founder's Day celebration will take place on Sunday November 9, 2008 at the Thompson Recreation Center. Sorors will be sharing their talents from art creations to poems to their over all "Sigmattuide". For more information, please contact us at Hope to see you there.

Sigma Style: How to Cope with Holiday Stress

With the holidays coming up, your emotions can be stirred up as well.Sadness is a personal feeling, what makes one person feel sad may not affect another person. Typical sources of holiday stresses include, financial stress, the inability to be with one's family and friends among others. Being unable to balance the demands of it all may cause you to be overwhelmed. We should choice not to be alone, if possible, during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. To reduce of the this stress, you can do some of the following;

  • Don't expect to much from others. They are on their own schedules to they may let you down.

  • Set real goals for yourself. Don't take on to much.

  • Do not put all your energy into just one day ex. Thanksgiving Day, Christmas or New year's Eve. The holiday cheer can be spread around.

  • If you are lonely try volunteering some of your time to help others.

  • Please limit your alcohol, it can only pull you down more.

  • Let others share the responsibilities of the holiday task with you. If your plan a family gathering don't do it all yourself.

In doing all of these things, make sure that you have some sort of support system if it is a friend or two, a counselor, pastor or just someone that you can confident in. Sometimes just talking it out can help you feel better.

For more resources you can check:

Sigma Sizzles: Holiday Celebration Punch (non-alcoholic version)

1/2 cup Ocean Spray® Ruby™ Tangerine Grapefruit Juice Drink, chilled
2 cups Ocean Spray® Cran-Raspberry® Raspberry Cranberry Juice Drink, chilled
1/2 cup green or red grapes, sliced in half
1/4 cup Ocean Spray® Fresh Cranberries, rinsed
1 lemon, sliced
1 orange, sliced
1 apple, sliced
1 cup sparkling water or club soda

Combine first 5 ingredients in a punch bowl. Add fruit. Add sparkling water just before serving.

(recipe from Allrecipes)


  • Happy birthday to all sorors who celebrate in the month of November.

  • Happy anniversary to all sorors who celebrate in the month of October.

  • November 4 is the last day to vote.

  • Please check the side of the blog for upcoming events.

  • If you have any questions or comments please contact us here or click comments below.

  • Welcome to all sorors who have reactivated with the chapter. EE-Yip!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Poodle Post: October 2008

Happy Autumn!!! Welcome to another edition of the Delta Omicron Sigma Poodle Post.

Sigma Style: What is Blogging?

There is a whole new world out there on the Internet and it is called blogging. A blog is a usually kept by an individual who gives commentary on different subjects or thoughts that are important to them. They function as a sort of on-line diary.You can do many different things with blogs, you can add video, music, photos and of course commentary.There are several different types of blog sites that you can go to set-up a blog. Two of the most used sites are Blogger and Wordpress. Most of the blogging sites are free and as you add features you can start obtaining charges. When blogging you can make your blog private, which means just people that you invite will be able to read it, or public, which means anyone on the worldwide web would be able to read your blog. Check out the world of blogging, just by reading some blogs or creating one of your own. You never know you might like it.

Are you interested in community service? Are you interested in working with others? Then check out Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. Delta Omicron Sigma Columbus Alumni Chapter. For more information please contact us by clicking here.

National News: Letter from Grand Basileus JoAnn Loveless

Interational Grand Basileus JoAnn Loveless issued this statement about Hurricane Ike.

Sorors, Philos, Rhoers & Visitors:

While we have not been able to contact all members and affiliates we project to be affected by Hurricane Ike and the resulting aftermath, I am thankful and relieved to report to you that all indications at this juncture are that everyone is safe. That being said, the magnitude of the devastation and destruction of the hardest hit areas is still being assessed and residents have still not been allowed to return to their homes and may not be allowed to do so for weeks to come.
in some of the less severely hit areas like Houston, Texas, we have sisters and affiliates who are among the more than three million residents without electrical power and for some sewer and water services as well for most of last week. As of the last report heard by this officer, there are still a million residents enduring this hardship – among them our Southwest Region Syntaktes Brenda Sloan Johnson and other members and affiliates throughout a six-state area.

It is therefore quite evident that the needs when finally determined may be great and we must begin now to prepare.This officer is encouraging all regions, chapters, officers, members, philos, rhoers, friends and guests to again join us in coming to the aid of those both within and connected to our circle of sisters by contributing to the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Disaster Relief Fund.

Any and all amounts are encouraged and will be accepted. Make donations payable to the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Disaster Relief Fund. Mail contributions to Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Disaster Relief Fund, 1000 Southhill Drive, Cary, NC 27513.

The theme for our biennium is Purposed for Service: Reaching Inward, Upward & Outward. Your generous support of this request will align with all facets of this theme by assisting our own (reaching inward); exhibiting divine selfless love and sisterhood (reaching upward) and uplifting entire families as they work to rebuild local communities (reaching outward).

As we receive additional information regarding our sisters, philos and rhoers affected and their specific needs, we will share it with you. I thank you in advance for your timely and heart-felt outpouring of love and support.


Joann Loveless International Grand Basileus

Chapter News: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There are several organizations that deal with breast cancer and breast health issues, such as the American Cancer Society and the Susan G. Koman Foundation that have additional information on the subject. Click here to learn more information. Please remember to do a self breast exam every month and speak to your doctor if you find a lump or if your breast looks or feels different.

Sigma Cooks: Apple Oatmeal


1 cup water
1/4 cup apple juice
1 apple, cored and chopped
2/3 cup rolled oats
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup milk
Combine the water, apple juice, and apples in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat, and stir in the rolled oats and cinnamon. Return to a boil, then reduce heat to low, and simmer until thick, about 3 minutes. Spoon into serving bowls, and pour milk over the servings.
-Happy birthday to all sorors who celebrate in the month of October.
-Happy anniversary to all sorors who celebrate in the month of October.
- Early voting has started. You can early vote at Veteran's Memorial until November 3, 2008. Election Day is November 4, 2008. Remember no matter who you vote is your right to vote.
-Please check the side of the blog for upcoming events.
-If you have any questions or comments please contact us here or click comments below.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Poodle Post: August 2008

Welcome to a new sorority year!! Let's keep the motto of the sorority going with "Greater Service, Greater Progress" in the central Ohio area.

Sigma Style: How to Get Ready For Back to School

Either if you are getting your children ready for school or you are heading back to school are some tips to help you have a smooth transition.
  • Make sure that your library card is help off set some of the cost of reading materials for school projects.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Develop good habits and write down all homework and turn in assignments on time.
  • Have open communication with your teachers. This communication will be a great resource when you are stuck on something or need extra time.
The most important tip for keep a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude, will keep you motivated which will push you all the way throughout the school year.

International News: New International Officers are Elected and Sorority Joins the Challenge

The 52nd Boule was held in Detroit, Michigan July 18-24, 2008. At this years Boule, new international officers. Congratulations to all the sorors that have been elected to lead this great sorority. To see who was elected, click here.

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. has joined the fight against obesity. The sorority is one of many organizations who are joining the 50 Million Pound Challenge. To join in this fight or to obtain support click here to find out more information and good luck.

Do you have time and talents that are not being utilized? Are you interested in Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.? For more information about Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. contact us.

Sigma Sizzles: Lemonade-Mint Ice Tea

3 tablespoons crushed fresh mint leaves
1 quart boiling water
1/2 cup instant iced tea powder
1 cup white sugar
2 quarts cold water
1 (6 ounce) can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed

In a 1 gallon pitcher, combine the mint leaves, 1 quart of boiling water, instant tea powder and sugar. Stir to dissolve sugar. Let stand for 15 minutes.
Stir in the cold water and lemonade concentrate. Serve in tall glasses over ice. Strain out mint leaves, if desired.

You have recipes to share to be added to the next newsletter, email them.

Chapter News

The chapter will be holding their annual chapter picnic on Saturday August 30, 2008 from 2-5 pm at the home of Soror Adrianne. Come for fun, food and fellowship. For directions and to RSVP for the event please contact us.

  • Happy birthday and anniversary to all sorors who celebrate in the months of August and September.
  • If you have suggestions for the Poodle Post, please contact us.
  • Sigma Book Club will meet on October 3, 2008 at 7:00 pm at the home of Soror Dana. The book club selection is The Emperor of Ocean Park by Stephen L. Carter. To RSVP please click here.
  • Congratulations to Soror Lynnette and Soror LaTonya on their new jobs. EE-Yip!!!
  • We would like to welcome all recactivating and new sorors to the chapter.

Monday, July 14, 2008


This is the first post of the new Poodle Post format. Please stay turned for upcoming sorority events and activities.